My friend L found this blog on the internet the other day I loved the post from Tuesday. It talks about the things we need to get things done. Polarity of necessity and creativity. So well done and so true.
In other internet news I have decided that my father no longer should be allowed to use the internet because all he sends me are old jokes and “news” stories of things I can’t do anything about. Like yesterday when he sent me a story about the link between Autism and cell phones. In the article they say that genetics are a part of the problem but that out wi-fi world is overloaded with radiation and that is one of the causes of the rise in Autism. Since I have no choice but to live in this world…and I am already pregnant…I love that this is a new random worry to add to the long list of random things I stress over daily, things like…. Can I eat a PB&J sandwich…is only one a week (the amount of fish/tuna allowed) going to cause a peanut allergy or should I just forgo it all together? Is the fact I switch to peanutless nut mixes actually going to help or is it really all nuts but since peanuts are most common they are blamed? Should I stand in front of my countertop microwave while impatiently waiting for my lunch? I am increasing my risk of gestational diabetes because the only things that I want to eat are carbs and sweets, which normally I would balance with fast protein but since deli meat and peanuts are gone there is no such thing? Is the fact that I no matter how I go to sleep (on my side etc) I wake up on my back, really such a bad thing? Is it going to cause irreversible damage? The list goes on and on and on, so seriously I LOVE it when someone adds to it, especially in the realm of ‘you can’t do anything about it but here’s some more scary shit to know’.
In totally unrelated issues…
Yesterday LM went to I Hop and received the most INSANE service I have ever heard of. Seriously. What is it with bad service lately? She and her grandmother went to eat at 4:30 (I am guessing this was Grandma’s idea of dinner hour. Why is it when people get older they eat dinner earlier? My Grandmother is up all night usually. She says she sleeps less the older she gets. So why eat earlier? ) Anyway, not really a rushed time is the point. They were at I Hop til 6:30. I don’t understand, it is supposed to be semi-fast food. This ain’t no galloping gourmet here. It is eggs and pancakes. The waitress apparently didn’t understand her job, ie never came to the table or made eye contact or checked on them in anyway. She messed up the order and left off LM’s bacon which lead to insanity. After the 1.5 hour meal (and having reminded the waitress the only time she showed up that she forgot the bacon) LM ask for a check and a box. When she asks for the check she says something about the missing bacon to get it taken off the check…is that what happened…NO! Instead the waitress goes to the kitchen and brings the bacon out on a napkin! Really! So LM can “put it in the take out box”. Seriously…it gets better. LM is incredulous but so taken aback that she doesn’t argue just increases her level of aggravation. LM and her Grandma walk to the counter to pay (where apparently they wait again for like 20 mins for a cashier). While they are waiting to pay, the waitress wanders over with a dollar 39 and hands it to a flabbergasted LM. The waitress says “Here takes this dollar to cover the cost of you bacon, since I forgot it.” LM is in NO WAY going to take this sappy waitress sad little one dollar and change and tells her so. The actual argue over this freaking dollar, for bacon! How insane is this?!?!??! Who does that? It is so crazy on so many levels.
I forgot to tell you all I went out and braved Black Friday…all alone… to get a camera from Target. I got there at like 5:15am which is insanely early for me. I don’t get up unless there is a small baby in need or I am going somewhere too fun and I can’t sleep. Anyway, the Target already had a line and they had set up a little free coffee stand right in front. So I parked a ways away (the lot also had cars for Old Navy which was open at 5 am). I am walking up all hunched up cause it is cold I side step around the coffee stand and head to the back of the line. Now the parking lot is dark for whatever reason they don’t have the lights on so the only light is coming from the store fronts. This makes it hard to see things like shadows, curbs, where curbs change and are no longer there. Yeah. I tripped. BIG TIME! I mean I did a sprawl on you face, comedic, film like flop on to the concrete. Can you see it? It is the trip that happens in movies at the most in opportune time and ends with the actress looking like she is all knees and elbows on the ground. Something that the landing would chalk draw like this
and it was truly mind blowingly embarrassing. Mostly because 1. it was a huge trip 2. the landing was a beaut that left me looking like a cartoon character, you know arms and legs at fun angles, body full extended, totally on my face and 3. because there is not a lot to look at in a parking lot at 5:15am, in the cold, standing in line…so each person that walks up is watched by everyone…the entire line inspects the newcomers…are the newbies going to cut? Are they someone know to me or others in line? Are they dressed for the weather (which for real some people were out there in shorts and t-shirts and the only explanation I have for this is those in question were significantly overweight so not as affect by the cold and obviously they had NO CONCEPT of how cold it gets standing still in the dark in the winter) etc etc etc. So everyone there saw my sad ungraceful flop on the pavement. The amazing part was, while no one left line to help me up, several did actually ask me if I was okay which was nice of them to do before they started laughing.
Now that I have amused you with my inability to walk in a straight line completely sober...I will tell you what makes me happy…I am so STOKED about the pjs I am doing for the family this year. 1. I get a nightgown, which really makes me happy cause I love a flowy girly nightgown. Probably cause my normal clothing can’t usually be described as flowy or girly in anyway but since I live with a dual personality that side gets completely gaga over nightwear. Also I found an embroidery the yesterday at my Mom’s that after about 2 hours of fiddling with colors etc is PERFECT and makes me joyous. It is just the words “Merry Christmas” but each letter is vamped up some. Like the M is all candy caned and the A is a Christmas tree and the I is a package with a bow. You get the idea. It is going to look so great on the t-shirts and my nightgown. Today I start the pants. I want to be all done by this weekend (which my mom feels is overly ambitious and entirely crazy) but then we could do the family photo and decorate the tree. Yippee. Really can’t wait. In my head it is going to be so Curry and Ives. Fireplace going. Hot cocoa (or eggnog). Tree. Holiday tunes. Family. Matching PJ. Just writing about is giving me sugar shock…I LOVE IT.