Mar 07, 2006 00:12
Well, we're halfway done finding the LiveJournal Idol 2 Top Four! In case you have forgotten, this week, the contestants had to try to get twenty random LiveJournal users to add them to their friends lists. It brings me pain to tell you that the results were extremely disappointing.
Dominick Ciruzzi - Technically, Dominick, you win this round, because you did actually get more people to add you than any of the other contestants - specifically, eight out of twenty. This is certainly good, however, you also used basically the easiest method of all to get people to add you (hey I'm in a competition, you only have to do this for one day). This did not showcase any creativity that a LiveJournal Idol should of course have, and it doesn't show much effort either. However, since three of your competitors blew this challenge off completely, I applaud you for at least trying. If you do a good job with Challenge B, you are definitely a contender for the finals.
Sebastian Fischetti - Sebbie, I know that you keep using dial-up as an excuse for you to not complete the challenges, but given that you update your LiveJournal upwards of fifty times per month, you must certainly have the patience to load at least ONE person's page to request them as a friend? You are already in hot water, and your performance this week disappoints me. If you do not perform well in Challenge B, your fate will be sealed. And this challenge does not require an Internet connection.
Mary Hanrahan - Mary, you have up to this point been commended by me and the audience for consistently putting your best effort into every challenge. This did not happen this week. While you were able to get four users to add you to their friends lists, this is not a very impressive number. I thought your initial approach to the challenge was clever, using communities to draw common ground with people, but then you just started copying Dominick's approach, which is disappointing. By default, you were one of the better contestants this week, and you're almost guaranteed to be safe this week, but, as wise men and many idiots often say, it is not over until it is over.
Rebecca Levin - Rebecca, you did not even put the slightest bit of effort into this challenge, as far as I can tell, so I don't know what to tell you. Without a surge of effort, you and Sebbie are bound for this week's Bottom Two, and obviously one of you has to go.
Kristina Ronald - Early on in the competition, many people predicted that you would win or at least be in the Final Two, and now I question whether you can even get that far. This is the second challenge in a row that you have chosen to not participate in, so, obviously, if this continues, you will be eliminated.
As was previously announced, none of the contestants will be eliminated, because they must engage in a second challenge to help decide their fate. Given the poor performance in Challenge A, your efforts shown in Challenge B will be important to deciding your rank in the competition.
Top Five Challenge B
You must find messages hidden in the exterior of your respective schools, and comment to this entry with any and all messages that you find.
All of the messages are enclosed within card protectors, which are enclosed in rectangular slips of paper with "LJ Idol 2" written on the front of them in marker. Some of them are duct taped to various things, while others are not. I hid the messages on Saturday night, so I cannot guarantee that all of them are still able to be found. For example, of the eight messages hidden around Mahopac High School, I can currently only verify that five of the messages are where they began (I only checked six locations though). There are ten messages total. None of the messages are inside the schools, and they are all within walking distance from the parking lot (obviously).
Mahopac High School
1. 'Twas near here that Angela hit a car, from this spot a tree is not very far. (*This is one of the ones that might be lost.)
2. This would keep the grass clean if it were upside down, the clue lies within rocks that make a primitive crown.
3. So orange and bright, these things keep away traffic, and inside, a paper so crumbled and graphic. (*This one is most likely gone.)
4. If you walk down this way, you might find new directions, the clue is on granite, which makes no reflections.
5. There's a message that lies on a brick windowsill, it's between four and six and it's not on a hill.
6. I don't think there's a car that can drive quite this slow, the clue's on the back of the sign, I do know.
7. O, thank goodness for lights, they brighten our world, in the front parking lot they are tall and not twirled.
8. This small square-ish stone tells the name of our school, my footprints are found, my, that night was so cool.
Lakeland High School
9. When you look at the school, walk a while to the left, near a bench and a garbage, on the wall is a cleft.
10. This clue isn't too far from the one just before, it's between stones that for a small tree are decor.
Remember, inside the clue you will find a message, you must comment to this entry with the message to get credit for your find. You must do this before this coming Monday at midnight. There are no other challenges for this round, so the Bottom Two will be announced at that point. Best of luck.
top five