All is going well

Dec 22, 2021 10:36

My first week on the new job went well! I'm very much liking this assignment. And being on home ground is wonderful. I've started working on my little room in the basement -- all the supplies are there and I'll get it all put together next week. Then Luke and I will start on the rocket mass heater.

But that's a different post! *This* post is about cookies!

Today I'm making cookies!

- a gluten free chocolate cookie topped with melted Andies mint chocolate pieces.

- classic peanut butter cookies! The kind you squish with a fork, not the chocolate kisses type.

- Russian Tea Cakes

- seven layer bars

- jam thumbprints

And Geriann is making sugar cookie cutouts with her grandkids! It's going to be a fun day.

Edit, 19:45 - It was a relaxing day :) I made all the cookie dough, and the 7-layer bars are cooling. Tomorrow, I'm going to take all the dough to the Negaunee house and do the baking there; only a toaster oven here at Geriann's.

I feel very relaxed and content. Originally posted to Dreamwidth, were there are
comments. Dreamwidth comments. Note that ljgeoff can't get into her livejournal account so it'd be better if you left messages over on dreamwidth!

christmas, rocket mass heater, work

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