books I want to read

Nov 08, 2021 06:18

A list of books that I want to read; a list to add to at whim. Feel free to make suggestions in comments!

Read September 2021 Future Home of the Living God Author Louise Erdrich

Read October 2021 Beneath the Rising Author Premee Mohamed

Dignity - Seeking Respect in Back Row America Author Chris Arnade

This One Sky Day Author Leone Ross

Goliath Author Tochi Onyebuchi

Machine Author Elizabeth Bear

Bring Up the Bodies Author Hilary Mantel

Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities Author Diana Leafe Christian

The Round House Author Louise Erdrich

Read December 2021 I Once Met You But You Were Dead Author S.J. Sindu

Blue Skinned Gods Author S.J. Sindu

A Memory Called Empire Author Arkady Martine Originally posted to Dreamwidth, were there are
comments. Dreamwidth comments. Note that ljgeoff can't get into her livejournal account so it'd be better if you left messages over on dreamwidth!
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