7 pm Saturday Night

Apr 02, 2016 18:59

Ok. First, there's no one home but me and Luke, and Luke is gaming in his room. I'll drag him down in a few hours to watch something interesting on Netflix -- I'm thinking Particle Fever or Virunga.

I've got two CIP reports to do for clinicals; they're not much of a brain strain, but are long and will take 2-3 hours each. And four more other pieces of homework that'll take about 2-3 hours each. Everything is due by next Wednesday. And then on Thursday, I've got to go watch kids at my grandson Zary's preschool and write a short paper on that, tying their behaviors to Piaget and Erikson.

This week, I worked 38.5 hrs and next week I have 40.5 hrs. Bleh. But I have all day Monday off, from morning to night and no classes, so I can spend some significant time in the library. My last day of class for this segment is April 22, and then my next unit, pediatrics, starts in mid-May.

Which isn't what I really wanted to write about. I wanted to write about how I'm doing. *sigh* Guess I'm not as interested in talking about it as I thought.

on my own

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