feral cats

Feb 13, 2015 07:45

We have a lot of feral cats in my neighborhood. One is currently living under our porch and there are another five or six that are living in hidey-holes within a hundred yards. It might be that we have a concentration of ferals because the guy next door feeds them. Well, I feed them too, but mostly vicariously because I'll drop off a bag a kibble to the guy next door every other month or so.

It's been really cold and it's gonna stay cold for a couple of weeks, and the ferals aren't looking too hot. On top of that, I just noticed that the guy next door hasn't been out much, either. He was in the hospital in both December and January, and he's probably there again.

One of the ferals was hunched miserably against my basement window, and I had a thought. I took a box, put another box on top of it so that the opening was against the window, put a baby blanket in there, put a bigger box around the whole thing and put food and water out next to it.

Sure enough, the cat from under the porch is cuddled up in there now. I'll set out more food for her today (not sure of that gender, but that's what I'm going with) and since I haven't seen the guy next door, I'll put some out for the others, too. Poor things.

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