still plugging away

Dec 26, 2014 23:08

This chapter is a bitch. I think the next couple are going to be like this. *sob* I like the format that I'm using -- talking about my relationship with Mike, the kids, my neighborhood, and then talking about climate science, extreme weather, economics, social structure.

This chapter, I'm having more trouble weaving it all together. It ... it's coming along (~1050 words so far) but I'm having to drag it screaming, prying its frantic fingers from my neurons. I'm finding that I'm getting sometimes angry, sometimes hopeless as I write about climate change denial and path dependence.

I like the way that I'm writing Mike -- everyman, voice of reason, steady. And I write him just as he is, in words he's said, that we've said to each other.

I'm thinking that I'll have about 30,000-40,000 by Wiscon and I'd like to ... I dunno. Suggestions? It isn't particularly feminist other than it's writen by a woman who is thinking and planing and doing things.

non-fiction book

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