Day One - Fandom Snowflake

Jan 01, 2014 22:33

I think fandom is a wonderful creation, a society of people who feel passionate about so much-art, music, sports, theater, cinema, television, writing, crafts, social justice, the world, etc. The people in fandom are creative and beautiful and feel strongly about the myriad things they love.

Where we fail, so often, is having faith in ourselves. We've let ourselves be convinced that it's not good to love as much as we do, that we shouldn't open ourselves up to possibilities, that we shouldn't put ourselves out where we can be seen. We're told we'll be misunderstood, laughed at, mocked, pushed back into our lockers, beat up with the contents of our hearts strewn across the cold tile of forgotten high school hallways.

So we try to hide ourselves, our talent, our brilliance. We talk down our creative works (it's just fanfic), we don't rec our own works, we're shy about friending others for fear of rejection. It's safer, easier to be quiet, to lurk, to keep our heads down.

I want to change that, if only for a little while. I want us to be proud, to be bold, to be loud. To be unafraid, just to prove to ourselves that we can.

The gift of ourselves. Because, in the words of one Mr. Gerard Way, every snowflake is different. That's what makes us special. That's what makes us beautiful.

-Introduction for the Fandom Snowflake Challenge 2012

Day One

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I've mentioned my own fic before, but here goes:

1) Ever/Was -- a digital season TenII/Rose

He might be mostly human, but he's still the Doctor. She's cannoned through cracked dimensions, but she's still Rose Tyler. They've only got one life and there's only this planet, but it's an big planet and it's a fantastic life. It's as same as it ever was.

I really love this fic.

2) Angel's Kiss Ten/Rose, between New Earth and Tooth and Claw.

This was my first Doctor Who fic, finished in July of '08. Reading it, I can see how I've grown as a writer, but I still really love it. It's a great story!

3) Down For Repairs Eleven/Amy/Rory -- Sometime between Day of the Moon, and The Curse of the Black Spot

This fic is a sketch, really. It's ... compact. I think this is my raw style, to write in short-hand, in flashes. I loved writing this, especially since it was a gift.

writing, doctor who, fandom, fanfic

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