EMETH on its forehead

Aug 15, 2012 19:35

I have erased the E and turned the golem to dust. Or soil, actually. I still think of it fondly as my golem.

Yesterday, Mike, Luke and I dug out the clay-y dirt that I'd dumped on to a black plastic tarp last March. When I got back from Cheboygan, opportunistic swamp grass had taken shallow root.

We mixed the golem with the crunched up and decomposing leaves and old manure -- and added a lot of peat growing medium. Tonight after supper, Luke and I went out and planted the few seedlings we had left -- ones that Mike had been taking care of in small pots on the porch.

I probably should have waited to plant them until Friday, when we'll have the money to put some kind of fencing around them. Oh, well. We'll just see how they do.

cabbages, broccoli, carrots and the few odd beets. Maybe a rutabaga.

An unexpected shot of the shy, wild Luke.

The hole from whence the golem was dug; where the peepers lived.

The back of the house


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