fanfic - doctor who/phil coulson

May 16, 2012 13:50

based on this Tumblr: Canton Everett Delaware III, father of Phil Coulson.

Author: LJG
Character/Pairing: Ten, Coulson
Genre: character vignette
Rating: PG - some violence and bad language

The first time the Doctor met Phil Coulson was on a sunny Saturday in May, 1973 in Central Park, New York City, when the daffodils where in bloom. He had just left Lady Christina de Souza flying across the sky of London, and now he was lying on a grassy hill, propped on his elbows with his face tipped to the sun.

He chuckled, picturing the look on Christina’s face when he’d whacked old Æthelstan’s fancy drinking mug across the steering wheel of the bus, fusing the contacts.

Not very far away, just down the hill, children were playing. Or, he had assumed they were playing but it looked like a fight had broken out, and a rather one-sided fight, at that. Two larger boys were holding a smaller boy and another boy was taunting him.

“Who says you can come to the park like normal kids, fag boy? Huh? You think we wanna breathe your fag stink? You think we wanna look at your fag face?” The larger boy’s face was snarled in hatred. The words and tone of voice drove the Doctor’s shoulder’s up around his ears.

But before he could even get to his feet, something very interesting happened. The smaller boy performed the fifth kata of Venusian Judo, twisting and lifting his small body in his captor’s hands and kicking the larger boy with such force that the lad flew a good two meters through the air. He then simply stepped back and yanked his hands together, causing the two boys holding him to slam into each other, face to face.

The boy who had flown through the air seemed to have suffered some sort of sprain, and both of the other boys were bleeding from the nose. The smaller boy had stepped back several paces and assumed the Venusian Judo stance of readiness.

Hurling insults, the three larger boys limped off. The Doctor strolled down the hill, and the boy in the judo stance eyed him warily.

The Doctor faced the boy squarely and then bowed to him, one student of Venusian Judo to another. The child’s eyes widened briefly but solemnly returned the bow and then smiled and cocked his head to the side.

“Hello,” the boy said. “I haven’t met you.”

“Nor I you,” said the Doctor. “I’m the Doctor.”

The boy nodded, as if this was the name he was expecting. “I’m Phil.”

“Venusian Judo,” the Doctor said. “You’re good.”

The boy only nodded again. Reticent for a child of what, eleven? Twelve? The boy turned a playful grin up at the Doctor and said, “I had a good teacher.”

“Ah.” Now the boy was thinking. It was interesting, watching him. What a bright little fellow. One wouldn't know that much was going on in his head until you noticed the eyes.

Finally, he nodded to himself and said, “Bowties are cool.”

The Doctor put up a hand and rubbed the back of his neck. Obviously code. “They are?”

The boy’s grin slipped a bit and he shrugged. “Timey-wimey. Sorry.”

The Doctor sighed. “Yeah.” He put his hand out. “See you later, Phil?”

The boy put his hand into the Doctor's and shook. “Yeah. See you later.”

He watched as the boy made his way across the clearing. Near the tree line, the boy met with two men, and turned, pointing at the Doctor. One of the men shaded his eyes, looking, and the Doctor raised his hand and waved. The man returned his wave, and then took the boy's hand. The three turned and walked away.

The Doctor sighed, sat back in the grass and tipped his face to the sun. Timey-wimey.



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