My House Has Many Mansions Or Don't Touch My Desk

Sep 03, 2008 13:00

I'm having a very weird day today.

There are a couple of times when I've had a work desk, mostly when I've been managing little restaurants or shops. I'm the kind of person who keeps piles. On a big desk, I might have four or six big piles, and maybe another two or three little piles. I know what are in my piles, and I know what needs to be done.

Today, it feels like my life is that desk, and somebody mixed up my piles. Everything's been swept together, all out of order and upside-down and backwards.

So, kid stuff over *here,* and a few little piles that go with that big pile, like planets on a sun. Mike stuff *here* along with a couple of fat folders that are titled Len and Joe and Relationship Noodling.

School gets a pile, with doodles and odd bits of poetry in the margins, and notes to self like Calculator! Chem Goggles! Where's my thumb drive? Writing is a pile over there, under the coffee mug. Pictures, unfinished thoughts, research; it's the pile that eases my heart.

The pile with the graphs and accounting sheets is the shop. There are question marks all over it.

Well, that's how it was. Now it's just a big ... pile. A great big pile, everything screaming to come up on top, and I want to do nothing more than to give it a shove.

The Tarot Cards said, "A good time to honor your gods."

There's my to-do list for today, jumping up and down, and waving little paper-cut arms: shop 6a-3p, get boys going on chores, appmt. kyle 3pm, fill out MI Child form and turn in at county office, put in Mike's request to NMU's registrar, chemistry discussion 5pm, chemistry lab 6pm-8pm.

saxomofo came by and gave me three roses -- "You're having a hard day." I have them in the window, in a paper coffee cup with a bunch of white wildflowers. Every time I look at them, I smile.

I talked to Mike on the phone (it was good, sweet as the roses) and we made a date to talk about stuff when he comes next, a week from Friday. Fred came by and got some money for groceries, and is going to make dinner tonight. I called financial aide at NMU and they said that nothing had gone through yet. I handed off a small job to saxomofo. I got some more replies from the APOFF nominees (eight of the eighteen have not yet replied, but it's only been 36 hours or so.) I found someone who wants to make a fan-vid of our DW Ever/Was virtual season.

So I better put the to-do list in my breast pocket. And then I think that the honkin' big upside-down and backwards pile can sit for a day.

my brain

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