
Dec 11, 2007 09:29

So, last night, Carl, Luke and I went to hunt for a tree. There's about a foot of snow, and it gets dark by 5pm, so we were looking for something closer to the road. After driving around for a bit, we saw a stand of smaller, likely looking spruce and hopped out of the car for a closer look.

What looked like level ground was actually a little gully, so we all three slid on our butts down into hip-deep snow. Luke was waist-deep, holding the bow-saw over his head and laughing. We tromped around and quickly (it being rather cold) found a tree. Carl did the honors with the bow saw and we dragged our prize back to the Festiva and tied it to the roof.

Only we didn't tie it on very well. Half way home, the twine snapped and the tree went flying off the car. Unfortunately, there were *two* semi-trucks behind us, and the tree was smashed into smithereens.

I pulled over and we conferenced. We were all cold and wet, and I was crazy-tired. "I've got $15 guys. I don't think that'll buy us a tree."

"Well," Carl rubbed his chin, "I've got $15, too. But it's for my girlfriend's present. Can you pay me back?"

"Yep. Friday okay?"

So we went up the road and bought a nice spruce from the little Finn who's been in the market's parking lot every year that I can remember (this year, the son was running it). We set it up, put on the lights and then Luke and I made a construction paper chain to wind around. Then I went to bed and slept a solid eight hours.

Mike will be home on Wednesday, and we'll play Christmas music, drink hot chocolate and finish decorating. Maybe I can lure Len over, too. That'd be nice.

Today is my last class!


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