*1* Style:
Generator.. I want it to look like this journal
http://www.greatestjournal.com/users/xcandy_lips_/ *2* Background Image:
http://www.stillwater.k12.ok.us/pioneer/students/excelsior/november_1/images/Carrabba2.JPG or
http://www.bokson.net/download/artiste/conf.jpg and can i have that with lyrics next to it in cursive that say.."My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelry..Whichever you prefer.." and then a heart next to it
*3* Entry Box Alignment:
*4* Text Alignment:
*5* Main Colors:
Black, Grey, White
*6* Entry Border:
Same as the one in that girl's journal but with a grey lining instead of orange.
*7* Scrollbar Colors:
Name or Hex Codes : black and grey
*8* Font:
Arial Western, Black
*9* Comment Links:
what is shown: Sweet Catastrophes; after someone comments Breathe Symphonies
*10* Comment Picture:
Do you want a picture in between your comment links?
the sideways heart the girl has in her journal.
*11* General Link Effects: becomes bold when you go to it
*12* Page Transition: stars out
*13* Number of Entries Per Page: 10
*14* Cursor: crosshair
*15* Layout Example: showed it above but here it is again
there are two underscores in that just so you know.
*16* Other Requests:
*17* Your Screen Name for Aim or Email Address:
e-mail-noogie89@hotmail.com AIM- nikkiann0356
Please do this, it'd mean a lot to me. Thanks, I will credit!