SixApart/Boldthrough - New 6A CEO announcement - Screenshot of first comments

Sep 17, 2007 19:55

On Friday, Sept. 14, 2007, lj_biz posted a short update linking to news of the SixApart CEO change (from Barak Berkowitz to Chris Alden). Commenting was originally enabled. After a few comments were posted, comments were then disabled.

A very resourceful user took a screenshot of the few initial comments here. This is very useful, since some commenters in the current lj_biz post have theorized that comments were disabled due to the first few being cat macros and generally aggressive, unconstructive comments. Let it be noted that there is no cat macro in the screenshot. You can decide for yourself about the nature of the comments.

The post linked to a 6A blog which also has comments disabled (there has been speculation that they were originally enabled as well) and a press release. The 6A blog then links to the blog entry of new 6A CEO Chris Aldrin, and THIS entry has comments enabled. Impressively, Chris responded to bubble_blunder (who's been compiling open letters to 6A re: Boldthrough) saying that he would schedule a phone call with her to talk about her second open letter. (6A responded to the first on lj_biz.)

six apart, boldthrough

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