Feb 15, 2008 15:33
What up, y'all? I'm Lisa, the evil twin other mod. I am 26, mother of one crazy girl, fiancee of one agnostic guy, bane of various existences, and a geek of all trades. I am not full of happyfluffybunny feelings for humanity, politically correct, or particularly shy. I was born in Chicago to former residents of Tennessee and Puerto Rico, moved to Florida with my mom at age ten, then got the fuck out of that place five years ago. I'm currently a proud Tucsonan (and will remain so until the temperature reaches 90*).
My road to pagandom began when I was seven and found a book of Greek myths in our attic. I was shocked to find that not only were their many gods, there were girl gods, too! Fast forward to age fourteen, when I borrowed a book about Alex and Maxine Sanders from a friend. After reading about their experiences growing up with pagan feelings and finally finding Wicca, my mind was blown. Since then I've been eclectic for six years (solitary and with a group), Unitarian for two years (the pagans took over the church, it was funny), and currently Gardnerian for four years (holy crap, has it been that long?).
The one thing that would make my life complete at the moment would be an automatic sweet tea machine.