If you are already a member of the
occult, or
astrology communities then you already know this, but I just wanted to spread the word about
lupaloo. On a regular, though spontaneous, basis she conducts free live readings on her website. You can see streaming video of Lupa and her cards in one box, and in another box you see a chat room. Anyone in the room is welcome to ask her to pull a card for them or ask a question about astrology or tarot. I have participated in three of these tarot chat sessions so far, and they are very enjoyable. The atmosphere is open and friendly, and I appreciate the work that she does in making tarot more accessible to the general population. Personally, I love getting to watch a reader with ten years' experience work without having to pay for a complete personal reading. You can see other livejournal users there, as well as people who wandered in from the ustreamer site. Lupa asks only that you click the ads on her website if you stop by and enjoy the session. There is a paypal tip jar button on the page, but it is completely up to the viewer if he or she wishes to leave a donation.
I strongly encourage any interested members to stop by for an educational and enlightening experience. Request a card, or just hang out in the chat room and watch. If you join either of the aforementioned communities, friend her journal, or sign up for newsletters on her website you can be updated on when she conducts these live sessions.
There will be a session on her website,
www.lupaloo.net, tonight at 9 pm eastern (8 central, 7 mountain, 6 pacific). I will be there, and hopefully I will see some of you there as well!