Tangled Fiction!

Sep 06, 2010 10:57


I wanted to let you all know that three YA writers and myself have started a new free fiction blog called Tangled Fiction!


The blog is also mirrored on Blogger, for those of you who don't like Live Journal (I hate it).

A little bit about TF:

We came together with a four-fold mission:
  • to become better writers
  • to have a good time while we practice our craft
  • to give away free fiction
  • to make that fiction fun for others
Starting in September, one TF writer will begin a new story on the first Tuesday of each month. Her story will be on whatever topic she pleases, such is the prerogative of being first! It will be up to the rest of us to continue telling that same story. We'll post on the remaining Tuesdays for the duration of the month until the story has reached its exciting and breathtaking conclusion!

That’s the structure, but there are a few more things we’d like you to know up front.

Our Recipe for Getting Tangled:
  • No planning! We aren’t collaborating before the writing begins. We see the story as you do.
  • Take Turns! We’ll all rotate through the four pieces of story: firsts, seconds, thirds, fourths.
  • The Sky’s the Limit! The gloves are off and this is meant to be a challenge. Anything and everything goes!
We'd love if you'd join us as a "Watcher." Tell us you loved it. Tell us you were terrified. While this isn't a Watcher-driven community, we certainly do want to hear from you. We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we will!

Valerie, Natalie, Lacey, & Anne
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