I miss Brandon Vince. Not in a "Gee, he's cool; I wish he was around more" sense, but in the sense that my heart yearns to be around him as much as possible. He is absolutely one of my favorite people in my life, and it deeply saddens me that he is actually barely in my life at all and that I haven't seen him since South Haven last April. Well, that is, until tonight.
I am so glad I turned my phone off of vibrate before I took a nap tonight, because otherwise I would have missed Whitney's call saying "a certain tall blonde kid is here visiting" and that I should probably come see him. I about freaked out at those words.
He, Whitney, Gina, and Michelle picked me up and we went to Kurt's for a North campus CRU dinner. [The game was on, and yes, I am happy.] There he showed us pictures of the engagement ring he MADE for Alycia and the WATERFALL at which he PROPOSED. [Seriously, who does that?!] Then we plotted to go and get the majority of ourselves some hot beverages, a practice made famous by the man himself. Shortly thereafter Brandon, Whitney, Nick, Phil, and I broke off and headed to the Diag to play some frisbee, which led to a game of 500 from the steps of the Grad Library.
And then Nick gave me a piggy-back ride. It was pretty sweet. I got to see what it's like to be tall! Wondrous.
I can't express how happy I am when I'm in the company of
. Not just Brandon, but all of them. There's this feeling I get from knowing that these are the people I've made friendships with on my own, not people I know through friends. There are so many of the latter. I don't feel so much like a tag along or out of the group...I guess it's because I know them directly.
There is a distinct feeling I get when I'm around people from North campus that is completely different from the feeling I get when I'm with people from Central. There is also a distinct feeling I get when I'm with people from Baits that is completely different from the feeling I get when I'm with people from Bursley. North people are different because the campus itself is different. It is a different experience that you would never understand unless you lived there. And living in Baits is a different experience from living in Bursley. It's like you're isolated from Central campus in North campus, and you're isolated from Bursley in Baits. North campus people know what it's like to be on Central, but so many Central people can count on one hand the number of times they've been to North. Baits people know what it's like to be in Bursley--whether just from eating there on account of the lack of a dining hall--but so many Bursley people have never even been to the 5 Baits 2 houses immediately to the west. It's almost disappointing that I'm categorizing people into certain groups, but it's true. It's a different experience. It's a different feeling. And I wouldn't be lying if I said I liked it. It's like I'm in on a secret and no one understands but those who have lived the secret. We're nearly forced to bond with each other out of a sense of being outcast. I'm not saying we're special because of it, just different. And I'm not saying I don't like people from Central, I just feel a connection with North that I can't get rid of.
And I don't want to.
I can't tell you how excited I am about moving back to Baits next year. It's just where I belong; I have never felt like I belonged here.
I'm probably almost never going to go to Central, save for church. Whitney and I need to find a girl to live with us in a triple in Baits 2 because they are AWESOME.
Work will be nice too because I'll have to walk like 200 feet to the entrance of Bursley.
Next year is going to be sweet.
Also, when I went home for Thanksgiving I stole a bunch of my dad's music. I've really missed being in the house filled with the music of his life. I took various numbers of R.E.M., U2, The Smiths, Morissey, The Smithereens, and Collective Soul CDs. Others will most definitely follow.
I am in love with The Smiths...
But U2.
All-time favorite band.