#106: My account has been suspended! How can I get it back?

Mar 25, 2016 11:23


Suspension is restriction of access to certain entries or to the whole journal. A journal or a community can be suspended if their content is violating Terms of Service. Account suspensions are generally used by the Abuse Prevention Team as a last resort. In most cases, a user will be provided with an opportunity to delete any content that is in violation of the Terms of Service before his or her account is suspended or placed in read-only mode. Immediate suspensions are done for certain reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Denial of Service attacks,

  • account break-ins,

  • violation of a previous Abuse Prevention Team directive,

  • and journals where all material is a violation of the Terms of Service.

Please note that Abuse Prevention Team is not obliged to send you an email notification on the reason of your journal's suspension.

How do I send a request to Abuse Prevention Team?

For security purposes, the Abuse Prevention Team communicate on journal suspension with the account owner only. You can send a request to Abuse Prevention team by filling the [[gmlitem:/abuse/report.bml.title]] form and selecting the [[gmlitem:/abuse/report.bml.abuse.type.suspend]] option.

[What should I do if my account has been suspended?]What should I do if my account has been suspended?
  1. Log in to your LiveJournal account

  2. If you do not remember your password, consult this FAQ. If you cannot log in to your account because it has been broken into, read this FAQ.
  3. Check the [[username]].livejournal.com page. The suspension reason is stated right next to the message about suspension.
  4. If you do not see the suspension reason or you do not agree with it, you can visit the [[gmlitem:/abuse/report.bml.title]] form and select the option [[gmlitem:/abuse/report.bml.abuse.type.suspend]]. Please include your username, and be sure that you are writing from the email address that is currently validated or has been validated on your LiveJournal account.

When will I receive an answer to my request?

The Abuse Prevention Team will respond as quickly as possible to any inquiries regarding suspension or read-only status; however, in some cases it may take several days, depending on volume. Please do not open multiple requests, as this will not accelerate the procedure.

In most cases, users whose journals have been suspended will be unsuspended and provided with a limited time window in which to correct the violations of the Terms of Service. However, some suspended journals will not be reinstated for certain reasons, which include but are not limited to:

  • journals created solely for abuse,
  • journals where all material is a violation of the Terms of Service,
  • journals belonging to users with an extensive history of abuse,
  • journals created to circumvent directives of the Abuse Prevention Team,
  • and journals whose owners have previously received notifications from Abuse Prevention Team but commited repeated violation.

Please be aware that any account that has been suspended for more than 6 months may be purged from the service. If your account has been permanently suspended, please see this FAQ for information on downloading your journal entries. Here you can read more on how to contact Abuse Prevention Team and what a complaint processing procedure is.
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