(FAQ to be moved from S1 to Customization)
TITLE: How do I change the number of journal entries per page?
You can use style overrides (in S1) or the customization wizard (in S2) to change the number of journal entries that display per page. If you have a Paid, Permanent, or Early Adopter account, then you also have the option of creating your own custom style or layer.
All account types can use overrides to change the number of journal entries per page. To do this, go to
http://www.livejournal.com/modify.bml while logged in. Near the bottom there is a box to enter style overrides. In that box you can enter CSS style rules as part of the GLOBAL_HEAD override of your journal, which affects all of your journal pages (recent, friends, calendar, day).
Copy the following overrides into the "Style Overrides" box near the bottom of the page:
This example changes the number of entries on your Recent Entries page to 30, and the number of entries on your Friends page to 40. You may wish to change the numbers to other values that suit you. Both of these options have a minimum of 1, a maximum of 50, and a default value of 20.
Most system layouts allow you to control the number of entries that display per page. A list of layouts that support this customization can be found at
http://www.livejournal.com/community/s2howto/15427.html Paid, Permanent, and Early Adopter accounts can also create a custom Theme layer that adapts the S1 code given above. This will work for any layout, regardless of whether it supports changing the number of entries using the customization wizard. Information on using a Theme Layer to set properties can be found at
http://www.livejournal.com/community/s2howto/25272.html Copy the following code into the Theme layer you are using:
set page_recent_items 30;
set page_friends_items 40;
This example changes the number of entries on your Recent Entries page to 30, and the number of entries on your Friends page to 40. You may wish to change the numbers to other values that suit you. Both of these options have a minimum of 1, a maximum of 50, and a default value of 20 unless otherwise specified in the style.
FAQ 7 - How do I customize the look of my journal or community?
FAQ 124 - What are overrides? How do they work?
FAQ 128 - How do I make a custom S1 style?
HowTo journal
FAQ 176 - What are the different S2 layer types?
S2HowTo journal