Favorite Community - the Shoebox Project

Feb 15, 2009 14:50

I would like to mention "Shoebox Project" as a candidate for one of my favorite communities. As you can see by my username, the Shoebox Project has had a huge impact one me and it was, in fact, the whole reason why I created an account here on LiveJournal. I consider the Shoebox Project to be the best Harry Potter fanfic out there. The writing style is sophisticated and witty, and they have the characterization down to a tee. Since Harry Potter in and of itself was, I think, a huge part of the growth of LiveJournal, it would only be fair to recognize this fic community that gathered so many followers over the years. It provided all of us Potters fans with something else to turn to when there were no book releases and I often read it now that the series has been finished. Shoebox is the whole reason I have the great friends on here that I do. If I hadn't found Shoebox, I would not have found LiveJournal and then I would not have found my wonderful, wonderful flist. LJ has been very important to me throughout my life and I'd like to wish it a Happy Tenth Anniversary!

Note: Shoebox Project (http://community.livejournal.com/shoebox_project) has recently been hacked. I hope this does not count against its being honored as one of our favorite communities.
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