English stripping of lists

Jan 13, 2006 00:17

There are some problems with english stripping of lists. Sometime we just can't translate them item per item.

E.g.: there's "Don't use "The" in the beginning" item at lj://schools/ and there are no articles in Russian.

It is a frequent condition. Lists should be stripped as paragraphs, not item per item. It is much better to strip such a lists as one big item. It'll make them much easier to translate. That should be general rule: make translation item as big as you can.

Here is an example of what I talking about (from /friends/add.bml):

$body .= "
  • $ML{'.confirm.action1.person'}
  • ";
    $body .= "
  • $ML{'.confirm.action2.person'}
  • " if ($u->{'journaltype'} ne "I");
    $body .= " p?>";
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