RTE update

Sep 19, 2011 14:30

We just wanted to let you know that we haven't forgotten about the issues with the Rich Text Editor, and it is still being worked on. We don't have any bug fixes to announce today, but we do have a release planned for next week which will resolve many of the remaining issues with the Rich Text Editor. Thank you for your continued patience, and ( Read more... )

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softpaw September 19 2011, 21:39:09 UTC
What about the issue with exporting to ljarchive? The community ljarchive has several posts bout it and many of the users have filled support.


rakshi September 19 2011, 22:18:09 UTC
Agreed! This issue also seems connected to an inability to use the import plugin to import LJ to Wordpress. These are important issues and need to be addressed asap.


coffeechica September 19 2011, 23:38:27 UTC
We have an engineer assigned to this, and we think we know where it's going wrong (it only happens when comments are exported, so it's something in a comment). Yes, it's the same problem as what's affecting Wordpress and Dreamwidth import plugins. Unfortunately I don't have any information beyond that. I'm sorry, I wish I did. I use ljarchive too for my backups & searching and it's really frustrating not to have it.


bandicoot September 19 2011, 23:50:59 UTC
Glad to hear there's progress - thanks ;)


schnee September 20 2011, 10:09:29 UTC
Thanks for the update - it's good to know that you've got someone working on this! :)


eppylover September 21 2011, 13:17:54 UTC

... )


radiantsoul September 21 2011, 19:37:35 UTC
Have you/LJ considered making LJ Archive officially supported and part of LJ proper? It is pretty much abandonware at the moment, but adds two pretty core functions to livejournal(backup and search).


khyron September 22 2011, 21:50:57 UTC
...so do other tools that aren't abandoned though, so why bother?


radiantsoul September 22 2011, 22:10:38 UTC
Such as?


khyron September 22 2011, 22:15:46 UTC
I dunno, pretty much every other backup client I've tried? Plenty of these are still maintained and viable and have developers answering questions about them (though right now all they can say is "sorry" because it's LJ that broke the XML-RPC interface not them ( ... )


radiantsoul September 23 2011, 05:56:16 UTC
I can't see that any of those platforms support downloads and none of them seem to have a search feature either(which offset a major flaw of LJ).


khyron September 23 2011, 06:21:03 UTC
Look, I don't really care if you just want to be stubborn. I'm not going to do your homework for you. Several clients download entire histories and search them very easily. Semagic and Xjournal even work without this stupid XML-RPC problem being fixed (because they don't use it).


radiantsoul September 23 2011, 08:50:40 UTC
I shouldn't have to do any homework. I regard archiving as core to lj and should not have to search through a dozen plus clients that may or may not support searchable archives.

The situation is rather like if there were 14 different rte's at various stages of development with unique bugs and varying documentation and support.


eppylover October 3 2011, 19:55:16 UTC
Still waiting..........


stainsteelrat October 22 2011, 10:26:16 UTC
Is there any update on this please? With only LJArchive able to carry out proper backups of LJ it's crucial.


anda November 22 2011, 03:45:19 UTC
Is there EVER going to be a solution to this? Even if it's just so that Dreamwidth can import?

As a paid user of several years, I'm kind of upset that I can't backup my own data (posts and comments) from your site any longer. That's the kind of behavior I'd expect from Facebook or Google, and I'm disappointed to see it here. This lack is only pushing me to move entirely to Dreamwidth instead (and abandoning the posts/comments made since my last import there). :( :( :(


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