While this is a patch rather than a full release, there's many bug fixes going out today especially with regard to the Rich Text Editor (RTE) we wanted to let you know about!
Bug fixes:
- Edits to entries made with the RTE are now properly saved. (LJSV-1721)
- The Update/Edit journal page should no longer be blank in older versions of Internet Explorer (LJSV-1727)
- Restoring entries from saved drafts is working again (LJSV-1736)
- The right-click menu in the RTE works properly again. (LJSV-1730)
- Deleting and marking a message as spam in your LiveJournal inbox now works.
- The "Last Used" option for the Update page will now correctly remember whether you last used the RTE or HTML editor. (LJSV-1730)
- Making an lj-cut in the RTE now works as intended.
- The backspace key not functioning properly in some browsers has been resolved. (LJSV-1731)
- The calendar in the Spring Daze style now displays correctly.
- The username of the original author sometimes being removed when re-posting an entry has been fixed.
Other changes:
- The number of links a paid user can add to their Links list has been increased from 50 to 500.