Release #53

Sep 03, 2009 15:45

Release #53 is now live! Please report any immediate problems or issues you see in comments to this post.

Features and changes:
  • New setting for tagging in communities: Entry's author and maintainers may add existing tags to an entry
  • The number of comments has been added to the direct view of an entry
  • Added new section "LJ Anniversary" to the Select Journal Style page, and added new themes from the Cyrllic-services design contest: Cardboard, Early Morning, Georgia, Penguins, and Summer. Congrats to the winners!
  • Sponsored vgifts can only be sent to mutual friends
  • Added new international numbers to Voice Post page (Note: international numbers can only record one minute - we're looking into why, but do not have a reason or fix at this time)
  • Added number of answers to Writers Block module
  • Added support for PubSubHubbub
  • Created config to allow large communities' comments to be loaded via gearman (not active yet, just the config)
LJ Messenger:
  • Disabled checkboxes for Alerts settings if LiveJournal Messenger is turned off
  • If there are many conversation the window no longer goes beyond the screen
  • Delegation authentication cookies are now deleted at logout
  • Links which have been visited will now appear as a different color from un-visited links in the conversation window
  • Added a new "About" page
  • Added alert that IE6 won't be supported
  • Default icon will now show for LJ friends
  • Changed behavior of '' autocomplete
  • Added alert events by default
    • LiveJournal makes a new announcement
    • Someone comments in my journal, on any entry
    • Someone replies to any comment I make
    • Someone adds me as a friend
    • Someone removes me from their Friends list (Paid users only)
    • Someone sends me a message
    • One of my friends has an upcoming birthday
    • Someone requests membership in a community I maintain
    • I receive an invitation to join a community
  • Fixed bug blocking users from declining Sponsored account even after sponsorship expiration (Cyrillic-only)
  • Pingback comments are now created as screened, not switched to this state right after creation
  • Added Manage Notes item into the Profile menu in Vertigo site scheme
  • Fixed JS problem when resizing or uploading new userpics in IE8
  • Added account type and upgrade icon to site header in Lanzelot site scheme (Cyrillic Services only)
  • Fixed a bug in the RTE when user linked a username with a Note on it

Edit: code push is complete!

release #53

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