Feature changes:
- added interstitial page asking for user choice for new settings
- changed behavior of FAQs so that all FAQs show full answer all the time instead of short description and lj-cut for the rest
- added option for community maintainers under "Pending Membership Requests" (Reject membership and set ban)
- Profile page - new profile is now live. Read more about it.
- changed behavior of userpic on profile so it links to "view all" if there are userpics but a default is not selected
- fixed bug affecting v-align in the bio section
- added alt attributes to icons
- added "hidden" to posting access list when journal owner is viewing
- expand/collapse of a section is now sticky once clicked
- changed cursor to be a hand for expand/collapse
- added "edit" links to each section with anchors when owner is viewing
- added viewing link to friends, communities, and feeds
- Settings page has been updated in beta.
- fixed bug in video placeholder setting so that selection will stick after saving the settings
- added "select all" checkbox when viewing ban list
Bug fixes:
- fixed bug in RTE when adding an email address as a link type
- fixed bug when creating a community with a purged username (provides appropriate error message instead of allowing you to create and then showing it as deleted and purged)
- fixed bug in javascript behavior on lostinfo.bml page
- fixed bug in CSS cleaner
Edit: Please post feedback about UI changes to the profile in the
lj_design community. I'm an engineer, and have no interest nor expertise in the nuances of representation information visually on a page. I just try to make the site function.