Oh Hai!

Nov 04, 2011 10:34

Name: Diane

Age: 22
NaNoWrimo Username: ArizonaOcelot

Years Participating: 2010 kinda-sorta-not-really, 2011 yeaaaaaaah

How Many Years Have You Won?: I hope to win this year!

Favorite Books/Authors: I really couldn't tell you. Probably my favorite book is Around The World In 80 Days. I like science fiction, fantasy, action, and some non-fiction.

Favorite Writing Beverage/Snack: Um, anything? Drinking, definitely Dr. Pepper, but water is good, too. Or milk, I love milk. Eating? Popcorn, I guess, but then it's hard to write when eating popcorn... How about pizza? Or toast? Or french fries? I like snacky stuff, let's go with that, eh?

Music: The sounds of silence! No seriously, no music, no noise, nothing. It must be completely silent, otherwise writing does NOT happen.

Story idea for this year: Ailuros is a world much like our own that is further than you could imagine, yet closer than you think. It is inhabited by a series of tribes of shapeshifting creatures who have the ability to morph at will between an anthropomorphic humanoid composition and a wild cat form. For centuries these tribes have made war with one another over land, food, water, and matters of strength and honor. However, the existence of all of Ailuros is at risk when an unknown but deadly invader is leaving many members of the tribes either murdered or kidnapped. The tribes must set aside their differences and work together if they are to discover what nightmare lies before them all...

This will be an epic fantasy trilogy. For NaNo, I plan to complete Book One.

Title: Ailuros - Book One

My Own Random Sidenote: Participating in NaNo is a big deal to me. I used to write voraciously as a kid, and wasn't half bad. I was never the world's greatest writer, but I had a knack with penning words. Writing used to be one of my favorite hobbies and past-times, and stories just seemed to pour right out of me. But then a few years ago I stopped writing thanks to a group of not-so-nice-people-that-I'd-call-a-different-name-but-won't-out-of-politeness who basically decided that I was the worst writer in the world. Their goal was to get me to stop writing forever... and they did a pretty good job of it for a long time. BUT, I decided to try and start writing again. Any confidence and self-esteem that I had as a writer has long since vanished, and my writing is more than rusty due to not doing it for so long, but I'm really going to push myself hard to see if I can do this. The story I'm writing is one I created almost six years ago and has been floating around in my brain ever since. If I can get this out finally, it will mean so much on so many levels.

How Do You Write?: I write on my computer, and my main one at that. I can write on my lappy if I wish, but it just isn't the same to me. I can't stand hand-writing, so yeah. As for my writing process, I never, ever plan ahead. I'm very 'Hey, let's write, ok, hopefully it becomes something'. I typically don't have a problem with having enough to say - it's more that I have too much to say and don't know how to stop, haha.

Friending Policy/ What's in your journal: My journal is a bit dead right now, to be honest. I mainly use it for random posts about life and such. There's a lot of ranting. But I don't bite... hard. But I'm happy to meet new people, especially folks with some common interests. If you're interested in friending me, let me know, I'd probably be happy to add you. :)
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