LJ Inbox improvement

Apr 02, 2015 21:21

Hello again, lj_feedbackers!

Today, we're looking for your thoughts on how the functionality and interface of the LJ Inbox page - http://www.livejournal.com/inbox/ - could be improved. (For newer users or anyone unfamiliar with this page, the Inbox is where you can read any private messages that have been sent to you or see the notifications for the subscriptions you've signed up for, as long as you've chosen for those things to be delivered to the LJ Inbox. More info on the Inbox can be found over here.)

We're going to be redesigning the Inbox page in the upcoming months. While we already have some general ideas for improvement (user-defined folders and labels, the ability to "star" or otherwise mark things as important, etc), we want to be sure to get your ideas as well.

So, some questions to get you started:

1) What functionality of the Inbox do you use the most or find most useful? How would you make those things even better?

2) Are there parts of the Inbox you never use, and why? (Is it because you have no use for them, or are they hard to understand/use, and so on.)

3) What features of your personal email programs would you most like to see made available in the LJ Inbox?

These questions are just a starting point -- don't feel like you need to stick strictly to these questions if it's easier for you to just free-form your answer.

Thanks, and we look forward to hearing your ideas! :)

lj inbox

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