Trouble with empty lines

Aug 14, 2009 18:52

I wrote a little php script that helps me to send posts to a community. I've got Apache running on my local PC (Windows XP) and, as i said, i wrote script in php. It based on Services_Blogging from PEAR to make XML messages using XML_RPC package.

So, i fill in a local-placed form, this form sends data to my script (POST), the script makes new XML_RPC_Message and do a post. But somewhere in between empty lines are missed. For example, i'm writing following lines:





But my lj-post will contain only these:


So, it cuts empty lines off.

Could you please advise me what should I do to move empty lines to lj-post? Is there any solution which won't use opt_preformatted prop enabled?

client: pear, client: posting, client, client: xmlrpc

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