May 22, 2008 23:03
Long story short: I'm writing a client in Visual Basic 2008, and while I have no problem obtaining the cookie provided by SessionGenerate, I'm having a devil of a time figuring out how to set the cookie. As usual, Micro$oft's documentation is about as clear as mud on the matter, usually saying that it's the server responsibility. Some of this is new ground for me, so I'm not sure how to proceed.
Also, I'm working on my postentry module, and generally, it goes well, except that I'm not sure of the format of the meta-data. For example, I tried to set current_mood and current_moodid, yet they were not reflected in my test posts. I'm using flat format, so I assumed that it was just current_mood=mood and so on, but it didn't work.
Any help would be appreciate. I realize that these are novice questions, but the docs are a bit unclear.
client: posting,
code: visual basic,
client: sessions