Hey, all!
Looks like we have a bunch of interest in the [potential]
Dharma Trading Company co-op! Now, we just need to organize it! I've been trying [pretty unsuccessfully] to get in contact with them to see about starting this thing - but have had zero luck! Does anyone have an "in" with this place? A direct phone number and//or email address? I'm striking out pretty hard~
Either that or if someone just wants to take the co-op over completely? I'm willing to do it all or just be a helper - but I would love to get this ordered on February 1st if at all possible. Sooner if we meet whatever minimum there may be~
So email me - lj_coop @ sixbetween . org - and we'll try to get this started ASAP!
Thanks, everoine, for the interest!
It looks like there is no specific co-op rules or special discounts for co-ops - it's just the same as ordering IN BULK! So ~
I've enlisted the ever-so-generous
summerbluerain, of the ever so wonderful
sumbuns - and together we're going to get this thing started!
I'm going to request a preliminary list of the things that people want and how much of it and go from there~
Hopefully we'll have enough to order by the first of February [:
So go ahead and browse
Dharma's Website and start getting an idea of what you want to order.
I'll be making a post with more details and requesting orders ASAP. [:
Feel free to x-post this to as many people//communities as you wish! The more we order, the more we save!!
Note - we are mainly looking at dyes, but if we get enough interest in other things [i.e blanks, stamps, etc.~] we'll do them, too!