Illegal and Harmful Content Policy Clarifications

Aug 07, 2007 18:44

We are sorry it has taken so long to address the concerned community members. From reading the recent comments there's a lot of misinformation regarding the two users who were permanently suspended on Friday. In this post we're going to try and condense and reiterate all of our recent policy clarifications as well as address the most frequent ( Read more... )

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Comments 4377

vichan August 8 2007, 01:48:22 UTC
I'm gonna be the ninja this time?


writerspleasure August 8 2007, 01:51:45 UTC
your name will live for all of a day. :)


UPSET? NINJA-LIKE ACTIONS TO TAKE! (READ THIS, FOLKS!) devilish__angel August 8 2007, 14:05:07 UTC
First of all, bad_wolf_bitch posted a very helpful list of actions to take.

Secondly! Those of you who recently purchased anything from lj... lodge a complaint with your credit card company. Specify that the merchant is not delivering on what they promised. It's likely that if the transaction was made within the last couple of months, you'll get a refund. (Sorry, this doesn't help older accounts purchased. But it's a start.)

Hit 'em in the pocketbook, right where it hurts most.

Also, I'm going to be keeping a close watch on this comment, just to make sure it doesn't get deleted. If it does, I'm just going to keep re-posting it.


DIGG THIS sea0tter12 August 8 2007, 17:31:24 UTC
Another ninja action to take: Digg this, and let everyone know about LJ.


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writerspleasure August 8 2007, 01:51:17 UTC
would you recommend flogging? burning at the stake?


elphaba_thropp August 8 2007, 01:54:49 UTC
In most customer service jobs he would've been fired. I would've settled for at least an apology from him. But I guess we aren't even important enough for that.


writerspleasure August 8 2007, 01:56:01 UTC
you can't have a self-esteem pony. not yours.


ladyjaida August 8 2007, 01:48:48 UTC
I'm concerned about the fact that you did not warn the members in question, giving them--as you promised you would in earlier posts--a chance to remove the offending content. Why was this?


pheret1 August 8 2007, 01:51:34 UTC
I think this is an important concern as well.


pheret1 August 8 2007, 01:57:24 UTC
Yet, as I read again it seems to be saying that will not be happening.


ladyjaida August 8 2007, 02:00:12 UTC
Yeah, same here. :)

Also, maybe I'm just completely out of it, but...has ljstaff made posts before, either in lj_biz or elsewhere? Or is this a new journal made to handle things? Merely curious. I never pay attention to these things (and see where that gets me, huh!) :)


lovedforaday August 8 2007, 01:48:59 UTC
This is a better start.


tulleskirt August 8 2007, 03:44:55 UTC
Just popped into say--nice icon. ;)


lexexperiment August 8 2007, 09:36:30 UTC
What makes you think that? Looks like just more of the same BS.

(Nice icon, though.)


lovedforaday August 8 2007, 15:56:48 UTC
Okay, so I didn't read the whole thing before I commented. Yes, it is the same old BS, vague crap as before now. :(


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_acerbitas_ August 8 2007, 11:31:46 UTC
This is a really lame place to say this but I love your icon. A Scanner Darkly is the best, seriously. :)


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