As promised, I want to clarify any confusion there may have been about our policies regarding your content on LiveJournal.
Our number one goal is to encourage and promote a free and open community. We will only intervene to the extent needed to avoid the site being used as a vehicle for illegal activities. The policies are simple.
So, does "interests" mean "interests" or does it mean 'like' in your world? Your second to last paragraph only almost addresses this.
To be clear: listing an illegal activity in your interests list isn't a violation of the Terms of Service in isolation, and we won't equate individual interests with activities you support or advocate. Instead, we will consider journals and profiles as a whole, in context, to determine whether they violate our policies.
But then this post says this:Your profile is part of your journal. If your profile, taken as a whole, breaks these policies, we will treat it the same as if it were in an entry or comment.
Which seems to imply that profiles will still be evaluated out of context.
In practical terms, if I list "rape" as an interest but mention in my bio that I'm a mental health worker who works with rape survivors, I'm fairly sure that I'm safe. But what if there's no other info in my profile to go on? What does "evaluating the profile as a whole" mean then?
I wouldn't write a whole bio of every character, just a disclaimer like "I sometimes write fanfic, often including the sexual abuse of the characters. Don't read these these stories if you are triggered by descriptions of rape and its psychological effects."
I'd include a line like that even if it weren't for strikethrough2007 and worries about journal deletion, just because it's the fair and polite thing to do. Anything that could be traumatic to a reasonable person, I put behind an LJ cut or just don't make it public.
But I used to have many interested that would pop up in my fictional work. So basically I would have to explain all of my interests in my bio and that's just not something I fee like doing.
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