So HOPE Number 6 is coming upon us again. I'm wondering if we want to do the "Women in 2600" panel again... only this time as a scheduled talk.
Is there any interest?
Would you be on the panel?
Do you have any ideas for questions to ask the panelists? (I'll eventually get a list of the ones we used at The Fifth HOPE up in
ch1x0rzIf there's interest and I
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Comments 29
honestly, i think the idea has been done to death from the "hey let's just whine about this issue and say that men are assholes who don't ever give us the chance" standpoint. maybe you should consider trying to approach it from a more academic standpoint. and when i've mentioned this in the past, it's always met with "see? you're a man and you're saying we're full of shit, this just proves our point." hiding behind that won't work forever, and i think it's not very productive because it promotes argument and nothing constructive.
for example: this talk at notacon ( ... )
(oh, and the "live hacker girls, girls,girls!" thing? that was tongue in cheek.)
and i know it was tongue in cheek, but 100% of the guys i talked to who saw it rolled their eyes and said "wow, what bullshit." even the ones who knew it was meant as a joke thought it was counterproductive and chose not to go to the panel after seeing it.
Obviously, it's true there are less female hackers than male. Why not focus on something constructive like how to interest more women in technology or something? While panels like "women's experience in the hacker scene" are valid, I'm not convinced you'd be able to override the whiny feminist aura that turns so many people (both male and female) off from whatever interesting/insightful things you may have to say.
I think the most effective way to even the scale is to just show up and be awesome. Be female/gay/albino midget and do a kick ass tech panel, for example. You'll be sending out the message more like, "yes, we're female hackers-- and we can actually hack, for fuck's sake." And (unfortunately?), you'll probably be taken more seriously this way... at least in this crowd/event.
You've given me some stuff to think about, but I don't think I want to do a hard sciences panel. I don't see why we always have to do panels on the hard sciences... the soft sciences do apply to us as well, and as someone who likes tech but enjoys the soft sciences as well, I enjoy things where the 2 collide, or analyzing hard science things in soft science ways.
I'm starting to think that some people are just SO hardcore into the hard sciences that they won't be interested in it until we turn it into something like "hypersearch via 802.11g in a SQL environment" (yes, I know, that's bull. I made it up) So perhaps I'm just going to have to realize that I'm not going to be able to please everyone and present it for the people who ARE interested in social sciences in a tech setting.
"Why not focus on something constructive like how to interest more women in technology or something?"
asciilifeform and I were talking today on how there's such a lack of women in his upper level comp sci courses (and the ones ( ... )
Unfortunately, with this subject, you can probably find data to support almost any claim. There will always always always need to be more research. I admit, a soft approach is something I'd find way too aggravating to present myself because it's such an uphill battle to be taken seriously. And, if you're not careful, there's going to be backlash-- in which case you may very well end up undermining your own goals. (Not sarcastically), I wish you luck.
I don't see why we always have to do panels on the hard sciences...Just to play devil's advocate, I'm going to guess ( ... )
What do you think we should talk about? And would you be willing to be on the panel? (and feel free to take my queer or bi pride Tux and use it. ;) )
I copied the QT icon when you first posted it - I didn't think you'd mind.
it just seems like it goes against the whole philosophy of being a hacker, the anonymity, the power you give yourself by the elimination of your defining social characteristics. its putting yourself in a box. i'm ranting. /end rant.
Heh, although... we might have some advantages in the social engineering arena if you count that as social hacking. Now that would be a funny talk. :D
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