GreaseMonkey - My LJ Style

Apr 10, 2005 17:18

For those who use Firefox and has the GreaseMonkey extension installed, I wrote this for YOU:

My LJ StyleThis will add "?style=mine" to the URL of everybody's livejournals and communities. Plus, it will add it to all LJ links in the page, too ( Read more... )

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panoptican April 11 2005, 19:59:09 UTC
Doesn't work for me...

Is this an S2 only thing?


(The comment has been removed)

happysteve April 12 2005, 03:27:30 UTC
huh, didn't realize it didn't work for S1 people. oops.


camomiletea April 12 2005, 17:27:16 UTC
Well, it will kind of work. It's just different in S1. If you use S1, adding ?style=mine to comment pages will only show them in the default LiveJournal scheme, because S1 doesn't support customized comment pages. It's still useful for people who absolutely hate customized comment pages, and would prefer to see the regular LJ scheme. It still should work on the pages with recent entries or friends entries, etc. But it's funky. I think if you try using ?style=mine on my journal while being in S1, it will show you my custom S1 style I created. (I'm more of S2 person now, though.)

And I have a question. I would still like to be able to preview styles of others via the ?s2id= type of link. Is it possible? I tried adding this:


to Excluded pages, but I haven't restarted FF yet.


camomiletea April 12 2005, 17:34:13 UTC
Oh and it looks like the script won't work if one uses a paid subdomain, like You may want to change those include links to have an asterisk instead of "www".


happysteve April 12 2005, 17:45:04 UTC
one really nice thing about greasemonkey scripts is that you don't have to restart FF. once you hit okay, you just have to refresh the page.


camomiletea April 12 2005, 17:57:43 UTC
Mhmm. I figured it out after posting. Cool.


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