SQUEE! We've arrived! Ogurt,
trindajae and I are safely in Vancouver, aka Stargate/Battlestar/X Files shooting location central! Many hours of driving behind us, more hours of fun ahead of us. The hostel is pretty clean, the staff is pretty nice, but we have free wireless internet in the room, and a nice roommate. Place names like Pendrell Ave and Mitchell Island amuse us. I'm sure I'll have more to post later. We're gonna go register now and pick up our tickets. One funny story, at the border crossing, they asked us why we're going to Canada.
Trin: A convention
Guard: SciFi convention?
Trin: Yes. I take it we're not the first ones to go through here today.
Then we played some Arrogant Worm songs about Canada and tried to figure out how much gas would cost in USD/gallon from CAD/liter. It's not a pretty number.