Apr 22, 2006 17:41

Well, I'm officially paralyzed by fear. I have the possibility of maybe being an apprentice with a company in Switzerland next year. I liked the director, liked the work, liked the dancers I met from the company, plus it would be an amazing learning experience. It combines enough stuff that I can already manage, with stuff way out of my league. Perfect way to improve, right? So all I have to do is go back and take classes with the company for a few days and talk to the director to see if we can work out something...but I just can't do it. I'm done. Officially done. Can't do. The audition switch is firmly set in the off position, and I'm not really sure if it EVER wants to turn back on. The idea of dragging my ass ALL the WAY across Switzerland to MAYBE be offered a job just doesn't seem worth it. But that's bullshit, and I know it. If I don't go, no job. If I do go, 50/50.
I'm just so over it. Why should I haul myself all over the continent of Europe to go, at 150 euros a pop, to audition for companies I don't even really want to be in. That is such a crock of shit.


For here on out my stage name will be Lizzy Crockashit.


--My most overused word of the moment, and I'm using it do refer to anyone, or anything

"They won't ask for your passport, or VISA. They only ask for them if you look like you just got off the boat from Vietnam."
--Kenny explaining how easy it to work illegally in America

"Je suis cool, les gens sont con."
(I'm cool, people are stupid.)
--Raph explaining her class/audition philosophy

Janis: "There are all those new American movies with a message, like 'Brokeback Mountain'."
Ute: "What's 'Brokeback Mountain'?"
Janis: "That faggot cowboy movie."
(Ute owns the house I live in, and Janis is her daughter. No they're not homophobic. Yes they're completely un-PC.)

"Yeah, Mom. It's the only thing the fucking Nazis didn't invent."
--Janis talking to Ute (bear in mind that Ute is German...and the fact that we were talking about various forms of torture used by the ganja-weed in Sudan)

So it's officially now ok to make jokes about Nazis. If the Germans are doing it, I guess we all can
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