feeling sorry for myself! LOL

Feb 08, 2007 18:23

WOW, It has seriously been forever since I have written in here but...None of my friends read this journal and I need to vent about them for a little bit. I am soo gonna sound pathetic and stupid right now but honestly I don't care. My girl "friends" are freakin getting on my nerves alot lately. I am not use to having female friends and slowly I am remembering why I don't! I think they are very backstabbing!! Ok my 2 best friends are now best friends too which that part is fine it makes it kinda fun, BUT when they start excluding me from things and just hanging out together it kinda upsets me. I mean they were both my friends separately. I am glad that all my friends are able to get along don't get me wrong but it still makes me feel bad. Then I have been talking to this guy and just found out that they all called him and hungout with him on tuesday when I wasn't in town. Which again they are being friends with my friends thats ok. BUT...they didn't know I was out of town and didn't even call to invite me!? I am VERY untrusting and to me this is weird!!! I don't know maybe I am just really insecure lately. I feel like they are excluding me in a lot of things lately. Like not wanting to be my friend or want to hangout with me but I can't figure out why. It's just frustrating me that's all! I haven't done anything to any of them! Maybe this is all in my head. No one has to respond to any of this I am just rambling right now cause I am a little upset. What started it? The girls are all going out to lunch tomorrow from what I gather on their myspace pages but....again I WAS NOT INVITED! Strange!

Told you this entry was gonna be pathetic!! HAHAHA
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