Jul 20, 2002 23:31
Some man came in to the store yesterday and told me that everyone has a double, and that mine lives in Utah. He doesn't say this because he knows or saw someone who lives there and looks like me, oh no; he says this because by looking at me he can tell that I belong in Utah and therefore my double must live there. Then he told Kristen that her's lives in I think he said Mississippi, but maybe it was another state like it. I forget hers now. Crazy people. Oh and we sell ice cubes for $1.50/bag. Some lady thought with all seriousness that we actually charge $1.50 for each individual cube of frozen water. Hahaha. I meet the most stupid people at work!
I fell asleep before 9:00 last night. I swear, I shouldn't ever lie down to watch TV anymore, it just knocks me right out.
My parents sat around the dinner table today, both of them, telling me how important it is to make sure I take my birth control pills every single day. Parents really aren't supposed to make their daughter's birth control pills the topic of the dinner conversation. What makes this even more funny is that my father thinks I'm still a virgin and he's saying all this.
I have my first cavity ever and it's getting drilled on Wednesday. I'm so angry. My teeth aren't supposed to be gross.
Does anyone want to teach me (without using the "Swim or Die" method) how to swim sometime this summer? I'm tired of not knowing how, and of being afraid of the water. That's not normal and I need some assistance getting over this phobia of mine. ¿Por favór?
I can't wait for school to start up again. I need to get out of Raymond, and to be able to walk to visit any of my friends, some without even putting on a pair of shoes first, and I really miss having bathroom parties. It's just no fun brushing my teeth all by myself. I've also been slacking with my music over the summer. I just never have the time or energy to just sit down at the piano or sing a few songs anymore. Taking 8 classes next semester, 7 of which will be music related, will get me back to where I need to be.