Oct 27, 2010 22:33
It's been a long time.
I saw the movie The Social Network last Sunday, it referenced LiveJournal... so I felt like I had to come back.
A lot has changed. Obviously. It's been two years since I last logged in.
I read through some of my old entries - I'm, I don't know... I guess I just didn't realize how much I used to "feel", and how confident I was that everything was going to work out, eventually.. and that all the shit I was going through was just leading me to somewhere great.
Well, here I am.
I'm not, by any means, horrible or suicidal or anything crazy. But, I'm not excited. I feel dumb. I'm not even trying to self-loath or whatever it is that people say when you bring yourself down by missing the trees for the forest.
It's funny how much people love you once you're gone. It's not really love if you don't love the person in the moment, at the time, ya know... when things count. I'm kinda in the same situation again - except he's sweet, kind, and wants to love... but is still too hurt to love. Ah. Goodness.
I don't know who can see this or who can read this, so I'm not going to say much more until I figure that out.
I'm baaaaaack. (maybe)