This is why I left America...

Sep 10, 2008 15:42

I know I already raged about this passive-aggressively by way of Facebook status update, but seriously, how can the party currently patting itself on the back as the party of the common man not understand that "putting lipstick on a pig" is not in fact a sexist comment. It's not even close. I'm reminded of Omarosa's insane and ridiculous claim that the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black" was racist.

Plus, as the article points out, it's the very same phrase McCain himself used to describe Hilary's policies when she was seeking the nomination. Oh, hay, hypocrite much?

While we're on the topic of hypocrisy, I'd also like to know why being a ball buster and working mother was the most un-American and unworthy of qualities when Hilary was doing it, but it's just plain super now. (I would also like to point out, because I'm petty, that abstinence only education works great, apparently.)

On a related note, I'd like to know why completely reversing course on policy (like the so-called Bridge to Nowhere) is now classified as "change" when four years ago every card carrying Republican in the country was calling similar behavior "flip flopping."

To borrow what I consider the better line Obama used, "you can't wrap an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change. It's still going to stink after eight years."
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