-Right now I feel invisible to you-

Jul 31, 2003 07:04

I know what I'll do I'll just write in here and make it private...Or I might just go back to my old paper journals...I don't see why not. ...The only time anyone comments anyways is if I post pictures. They can say the picture is cute, and not even have the slightest clue what I'm talking about. So it's all good. I'm just going to abandon this journal or something. What's the point right. Plus I've noticed people keep telling me I'm hopeless, keep telling me that noone comments because they are so shocked by my writing and don't know what to say or how to help me...Ok so people use to know how to be there for me, but now they don't. It's kul, cuz I don't really care about anyone much anymore either. I have my few, if even that many that I love to death...But still even my best friend can't even give me the answers anymore..."Noone knows what to do with you Liz!!" Etc...Etc...Well you can kiss my ass I'll tell you that much, I don't care if you don't care guess what WERE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! AHAHAHAHAH!! I'll go be amused now. Have fun with your pathetic lives!!
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