Well I'm all packed and ready to go...Were suppose to be leaving somewhere around Noon...So I got about 3more hours to sit here and do nothing...I was just going to sit here and listen to some Simon and Milo till I remebered it's ok Robby's ftp...Ugh...So I'm bored. I'm suprised my mouth don't hurt like a fuckin bitch. I haven't even taken my perkasets today and it don't hurt...I think it was just more bleeding that anything...Yeah it finally stopped bleeding, lmfao...I just can't wait till they fuckin stitches desolve!!
My computers making really, really loud annoying noises like a lawn-mower...My dad turned it off and told me not to be on it anymore...So I don't know how much I'll be on when I get back anyways...He thinks it's going to explode!! I very highly doubt it...ROTFlmfao!!
I'll just sit here and d/l a bunch of Avril Lavigne interviews...I love watching her. Ugh, oh well...I wish someone could make me that icon I want from her video, Charlie says it's going to be too hard!! Pooie!!
Oh yeah...And for
_hot_or_not_ if you have anything you need regarding the community go to Catherine
sicklypretty...Do, de, do, de, do...Kim's
kimsta_christgoing to be gone and i'm going to be gone, wow...Lmfao...