Sup friends and foes and foreigners and uhh..I don't even know where I'm going with all that.
It's been all up and down for ages and now I look at my livejournal account and I realize it's been nearly two years since the last time I posted to this journal! Holy shit! So I will begin the ballad of things-that-have-happened-to-lizzy/derek-in-the-past-two-years. BUMBUMBUM.
The majority of this time was The Art Instiute of Vancouver.
Biggest mistake and most fun of my life, that.
I loved doing the things I learned there - I was a digital film/video student, meaning writing, directing, editing, acting, and more - but I hated the schedules, the creative restraints on time and equipment, and the general attitude of the staff (there were a few gems among them, most notably Rob Wenzek who is the fucking man. There's a reason why students wrote elaborate musical numbers about him, he is just so brutally honest yet totally supportive). My friends there were great - some of my favorite in fact, as they share the creative spirit that is so rare in Alder-hole. Our teams even won some province-wide awards, most notably for two shorts where I was one of the main actors - a music video about a hobo, and a mockumentary on the search for sasquatch. The music video is here but sadly there is no link for Sasquatch in the Mist.
Needless to say I got out of their very broke, and jobless to boot as I didn't finish the program due to hatred of the administrative faculty, and lack of money. And so it was back to the slump I always did, maybe even moreso as I didn't even seem to have the energy for roleplaying on MUSHes and that sort of thing. This was about March 2006, and I struggled then to find work I could tolerate - I'm trying to be picky, but it just isn't working. First I ended up stocking shelves at retail, a hellish, tiny store without even enough room to have a separate room for a warehouse. I was fired in the second month and thought little of it. I went into freelance computer repair an web-consulting, but the work was so rare that even at drastically lowered prices I got nothing.
For a while, I did get a little volunteer work on a fun little Firefly fan project, helping build sets and securing locations for the internet TV series at - look for my ugly mug as one of the Boss' goons in the big shootout scene of episode 1, whenever it's released!
I thought it would turn around when I landed every slacker's dream job, but since it was through a temp agency, they instead decided to fire me without warning, rehire me for two weeks, fire me again..and I'm sure they'll ask one more time before the game is through. The employer was Electronic Arts Canada, and I did have some good times despite the treachery - who wouldn't love sitting at a desk with a pre-release Playstation 3, for 8 hours a day, and getting paid $11 /hr? The people on the actual teams were funny and fun to hang out with, but the general disorganization of the company was a bit of a turnoff.
So now I'm sitting here in Langley looking after a house with my best buds for the third week, before heading job to buy christmas presents, and worse, to pay my student loan payments this month.
That's more or less everything of note that's happened to me since last I spoke. Heh. As always, a few people have stood out as pillars for me, especially Maki and Helen, no big surprise there. They are people that I always feel I can latch onto for attention, and I'm glad to have both of them in my life, even remotely. I wish I wasn't so shy or had more privacy, as I really do enjoy talking to both of them on the phone when they call, long distance.
Babble babble babble, okay I'm done. For now.