Dec 23, 2009 13:20
The past week I have had a run of finding misplaced things (including a couple that I had already replaced). I suspect this is in part due to me feeling like I am able to stand/bend long enough to sort stuff and put things away. Mayhaps my home will be fit for visitors in the near future?
So, along that vein let me request the re-appearance of the following:
the cord that connects my digital camera to the computer to upload photos
the table attachment for the maginfying light that I use for beading (have the light, need the clamp)
my copy of "sweets for saints and sinners" my favoritest dessert cookbook inth e whole world
I know you all are in here somewhere! Come out, come out wherever you are!
And as the year draws to a close, I discover I have lost 17 pounds this year, without especially trying. Most likely it's relatedto the physical therapy. Go me! Only 132 more to lose.
year's end