Day Five

Feb 02, 2008 19:07

It was exercise as usual first up.  We seem to be in a routine now.  At 8:30 every morning we go for a walk around the neighbourhood.  On our return, we do stretch and strengthening exercises.  At 10:30am we have morning tea which invariably is crackers, cheese and grapes.
Then there will be a talk until lunch time.
The psych spoke again this morning.
At lunch time we all went home and will return tomorrow evening to start week two of the programme on Monday morning.
Paul and I went to Ikea on our way home then I spent some time with Marko.  I swear that boy is drinking Royal Jelly and not breast milk.  He is the size of at least a three month old - maybe a four month old.
So it will be back to the grindstone before I know it.
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