(Cross-posted to my
Rissa (
marissa_leigh) has exerted massive amounts of peer pressure in order to get me to do this meme. Ahh! I give in, Rissa! Uncle, uncle! (It's actually quite a fun one, so it wasn't a huge sacrifice. Though it's more fun to pretend that it was.)
Post five things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Post it to your journal, and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.
Getting freshly washed sheets out of the dryer. I bundle them into the laundry basket, carry them upstairs, then enjoy the warmth as I put them on my bed. I'm quite fond of the smell of freshly washed linens (or clothing in general)-- no perfume, however sweet, can match the appeal of Tide.
Sightreading jazz and showtunes on the piano with reckless abandon for accuracy. "I don’t play accurately- anyone can play accurately- but I play with wonderful expression." (Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest)
Being so absorbed in a book that I walk around the house reading it, holding the book in my left hand and keeping my right hand out for balance when I come to the stairs.
Sitting at my desk and writing a long, newsy letter. Especially when I have nothing in particular to say, and feel comfortable enough with the recipient to just ramble; those are the most enjoyable sort to write.
Drinking Ovaltine late at night.
Rissa already tagged quite a few of our mutual friends, so I won't duplicate. Instead, I tag: