Some of my best friends can't drive!

Jun 04, 2011 15:40

While studying the California driver handbook, I came across a warning: "Your driving privilege will be revoked for one year if you are...convicted of driving with a BAC of 0.01% or higher..."

For a second I was confused by the phrase "driving privilege." I imagined non-drivers reclaiming their (our) identities from the oppression of a driving-normative culture, and then I realized that the label "non-drivers" would probably be frowned upon. (POC aren't just "non-white," women aren't just "non-male," etc.) "Check your driving privilege. That term is offensive to passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, public transportation riders, and the automobile-incapable among us. Please stop erasing the diversity of the non-normative transportation community."

Oh, identity politics, I mock because I love. (I basically believe there is no conversation that cannot be improved by using the word "heteronormative." Also, my favorite parody is the time in ONTD_P when we learned to check our living privilege because "zombie" was a pejorative term for the reanimated community.)

ETA: I really wish sociological privilege worked like driving privilege. If people could have their white, male, straight, cis, able-bodied, etc. privilege revoked for a year, I have a feeling the world would be a much better place.

driving, i am easily amused, social justice

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