My first Cinema 4D project was used! It's the treatment of the Adventures By Disney Logo as seen in
this video. That creepy glowing white 3D logo at the beginning is all me baby. And if you look at the colour version of the logo on that website... that's another 3D variation of the logo I did (although you can't tell at that small size). I didn't actually design the logo itself... Disney had it already... but... look guys! Cinema 4D!
Also, if you want to see what I've been working on for the past month non-stop, you can watch my Alvin And The Chipmunks trailers
here! You see them big ugly yellow Gill Sans Ultrabold titles over red? All me baby. All of them. As silly as they are... I think it's kind of neat that I pretty much did all of the graphics for this entire campaign. And if you see some other trailer or TV spot on YouTube or in Canada... yup, those are my graphics too. I even made Spanish graphics today.
Feel free to send me your sympathies, and/or job offers.