
Nov 02, 2006 21:21

I think maybe I scored so low because I said I didn't care if they tapped my phone. (If they want to listen to me talk about grocery shopping and bus schedules then by all means let them.)

Your 'Do You Want the Terrorists to Win' Score: 77%

You are a terrorist-loving scoundrel who hates our dear leader and the values he defends. There are few redeeming qualities about you. You most likely celebrated when the evil-doers hit us on 9/11, then opposed the Iraq war when we tried to pay them back. You hurt us at every step and cause troops to die in the field by questioning Bush's decisions. You are most likely a lost cause, doomed to be a brainwashed victim of free thought and liberalism forever. No dose of Ann Coulter's prose can save you now.

Do You Want the Terrorists to Win?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

(I'm not entirely sure that this quiz is a joke, even if it was created by someone who calls himself Jack Sparrow, and that worries me a little.)

meme, i'm a terrorist - whee!

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